Thursday, June 14, 2007


“The life of faith has to do with extraordinary experience; the life of faith has to do with ordinary experience. Neither cancels out the other; neither takes precedence over the other…The life of faith has to do with the glories of discovering far more in life than we ever dreamed of; the life of faith has to do with doggedly putting one flat foot in front of the other, wondering what the point of it all is. Neither cancels out the other; neither takes precedence over the other.” –Eugene Peterson, The Message Remix, Wisdom intro

Faith is often likened to taking a flying leap—something like jumping out of an airplane and hoping your parachute inflates. I like this quote by Eugene Peterson because it illustrates that faith also happens in the three hours you’re waiting to get in the airplane, and it happens after you come down from the thrill of the ride.

I went skydiving for the first time Sunday, June 10, to celebrate my best friend Nadia’s graduation. Words do little for me to describe the AMAZING experience, so here are some photos.

Nadia and I get excited to jump.

Still excited as I load the plane with my instructor, Adi.Nadia heads out with her photographer.

Ready or not, here I go!Grabbing my photographer's hand so she could spin us around.

There goes the parachute.

Watching Nadia land.
Do I look happy and windblown?


Anonymous said...

Ohmigoodness. I can't believe you went skydiving! You're so brave. I could never do that. :) Go, you! :)

katie said...

You inspire me, friend. You live a life of choosing to jump out of planes every day. I may not have been skydiving, but I cannot tell you how grateful that I get to share so many of life's more different leaps of faith with you. I love you, and I give you bug time props for the scary jump!

katie said...

BIG time. Not bug time. Me type pretty one day.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! That's something that I've always wanted to do. The pictures are great!

Anonymous said...

It was funny watching your video. I hope your neck recovers quickly.

Rachelle said...

OMG -- I love your skydiving pics! How very exciting! I did that way back in the dark ages, I think about 15 years ago. And I had a great time, too.

And by the way, little missy... what is the idea of seeing me in Panera and NOT saying hi??? I admit I was distracted... I believe I was with my inlaws and my daughters and it was right before my husband's graduation. Pretty stressful!

Anyway, email me so we can get together in atlanta. I'll be there Sunday through Wednesday. Going in Sat nite for the Christys.

Tea with Tiffany said...

You amaze me. I've always dreamed of being brave and doing things like this but never have. Fear stops me and now with kids, I tend to be more cautious.

Thanks for sharing photos of your time..I'm inspired.

I'll read your more recent blog soon. Need to get busy now. :)