Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Freaky Be

This morning as I scanned an e-newsletter, I came to the following quote: “You must be the change you wish to see in the world."--Mahatma Gandhi (Indian political leader)

Immediately, I thought, “What a coincidence! Yesterday I heard a song to that affect.”

And right as I thought it, that very song [Eric Bibb's "Spirit I Am"] came on my iTunes and the lyric, “Am I the change I long to see?” played.

I’ll take it as a sign and a challenge. How can I be the change I long to see?

1 comment:

katie said...

That Ghandi quote hangs on the locker room wall at the Y, and it challenges me every time I look at it. We're so quick to just judge what's wrong, rather than becoming a part of what will make it right.

I'll be interested to hear your thoughts...isn't fun when God prods us like that?