Monday, September 18, 2006

Hiking Pikes Peak

It was a blast—literally, mixed in with miserably cold and memorable.

Though this was my third time hiking to the summit, I’d never trekked up the back side, and never tackled it with blasting winds and frigid temps--all this after only FOUR hours of sleep.
Please read Katie’s excellent account of our adventure.

Like her, I felt tempted to focus on how cold and miserable I felt. Can you see in the picture I look like I’m going to cry?

And I did my share of feeling sorry for myself and my friends. But when I realized that pity wouldn’t make us feel any better, I chose to be thankful. One of the things I was most thankful for was the promise of a hot bath when I got home. I knew without doubt that rest would come.
Though I couldn’t change my painful circumstances in the moment I could find joy in the journey.


allijack said...

secret: I've NEVER been to the top of Pikes Peak. Much less hiked it. And I claim to from CO! Shame. ps. I listened to Brandon Heath this morning and thought of you and your CBA interview and his thought bubble drawing. (ha!)

katie said...

A+ on the Blast pun! I didn't really say it, but I was so appreciative for your reminder to think of things we are thankful for. Shows a beautiful heart.

I really am so thankful for good stories and lessons in perseverance. But I figure we'll shoot for blue skies on our next peak, eh?

Margaret Feinberg said...

Oooh! Fall on a 14er..that would be cold.

Anonymous said...

I've never been up Pikes Peak either. Oops. But you're very brave to tackle it in September! There's snow and everything!! You're my hero. ;)

Tea with Tiffany said...

Love the perspective of a thankful heart. Thanks for sharing.