Thursday, March 29, 2007

Well-needed Rest

Last night I became so frustrated I was in tears as I tried to write an article for my National Guard duty. After talking with a friend on the phone, I decide to give up for the evening and picked up the latest Brio magazine from my bag. I flipped through it, continuing to ponder why I haven’t been able to get a job there.

I don’t usually read the “In box” section, but a headline caught my eye: “Well-needed rest.” I thought, “That’s what I really need” right now.

I continued to read the letter to the editor:
“I just read the November article ‘Rest,’”

I realized she was mentioning the article I wrote, so I read on:

“and it was just what I needed! To be honest, I was feeling guilty about reading Brio instead of doing homework. This article reminded me that I can spend some quiet time on other things and that I don’t always have to go, Go, GO. It was so relevant o the moment, I almost cried.”
–Cassie from San Jose, Calif.

Reading her letter was so relevant I almost cried (again). I can’t say how much I needed that encouragement that writing can and has made a difference in people’s lives.

Writing that article should have made more of an impact on my life (I’d like to be able to take my own advice to really rest), so I’m glad it has helped others.

Reading someone’s comment about how the writing I did affected them is much more meaningful than seeing my name and article in print.

My encouragement to you—if you read something that makes a positive impact in your life, please tell that person. It may be the spark that keeps them going. And if you're a writer or a blogger, keep going--you're making a difference!


katie said...

AWESOME friend! Props, props, props! Praise God for offering you encouragement when you needed it the most, and in one of the areas closest to your heart. You're making a difference in more ways than you know, but I'm especially glad you were able to see that one.

Anonymous said...

Your writing makes a great difference to me. Thanks for sharing your insights, struggles and triumphs- it shines a light for others to follow- or lets them know they are not alone in their journey.
Lady from Ten Mile

Anonymous said...

Aww, that's awesome! :)

allijack said...

miss carrie. I am encouraged by what you write! and I love that you're getting other affirmation, too :)