Tuesday, January 17, 2006

It's Not About Me

When I read other people’s blogs, I get discouraged and downtrodden as I start to compare myself to their pretty pictures, well-spoken words, and fascinating lives of accomplishment.
I confess—one reason I haven’t posted recently is nothing I say will be clever enough to compete in comparison. But by the grace of God I’m recognizing the lies I’m so prone to believe.
I suppose society has taught me to compete and compare (isn’t that what races are all about?), but God’s society teaches that I am unique and special no matter what anyone else says or thinks. You are too.
We each have our very own purpose and reason why we were placed on this planet. Yet we share common purposes—like building others up. I want my blog to be a place where others come to be encouraged. When I get so focused on impressing I get choked up and cant’ do any blessing. I must remind myself it’s not about me.
I’d rather bless than impress. And so I’m renaming my blog “It’s Not About Me.”

1 comment:

Tea with Tiffany said...

Thank you for your honesty. I, too, struggle with this same thing. It's silly, but a real issue. Remembering the purpose of writing (to encourage) should help us press through our tendency to compare. God bless you!