Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Faith and the City book review

Jennifer Ruisch / Relevant Books
Subject: Biography

Ruisch, a college graduate, moves to Chicago to find herself. In a crowd of diverse religions and backgrounds, she meets many “lost” people as she struggles to discover her own place and purpose. The author’s narrative reads like a novel, recording interactions with a cast of characters at Paroneli’s Pasta. Her server job isn’t ideal, but it pays the bills and teaches priceless lessons.
There she meets Hunter, the religion-mocking punk band-leader; Mark, the Zen Buddhist semi-pro wrestler; Nola, “an angry Polish lesbian;” and Brad, the bitter former Catholic turned New Age fantasist.
Along her journey Ruisch discovers more of Christ, despite her experiences with nonbelievers and disappointing believers. She hooks readers with her story and subtly inserts insightful details that encourage deeper thinking. Recommend to college grads and seekers of deeper life in Christ.

1 comment:

Jennifer Ruisch said...

hey, this is jennifer ruisch...just wanted to say thank you for reading my book and helping pass the word on. my website is up and running now