Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Falling Into Love book review

Ned Erickson / Relevant Books
Subject: Relationships

Falling Into Love is the story of an ordinary couple who meet, fall in love, and find hope, despite stumbling through Valentines Day flub-ups, embarrassing moments with in-laws, carpet stains, and lost wedding rings.
This refreshing memoir mixes funny and reflective lessons taught not by how-to steps or formulas, but through tales that describe how our hearts hunger for love but can never be satisfied by anything but Christ. This isn’t a know-it-all, this-is-how-it’s-done approach. Instead, it’s a self-deprecating, floundering, still-learning, honest account of a real couple fumbling in marriage.
Readers, whether single or attached, can resonate with the mishaps, missteps, and miscommunication—and laugh and learn from them. Falling Into Love starts a metaphor that isn’t completely developed throughout, but nonetheless will delight twentysomething readers interested in the complexities of marriage.

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