Monday, August 07, 2006

It takes two to tango.

I learned the basics of the tango at the Mercury Cafe (my favorite urban hangout) this weekend in Denver.
Argentine tango is known as the dance of passion--to be danced with extreme connection and focus on your partner. However, no partner is required for lessons, and even if you bring a partner, you're required to switch every fourth song.
As a woman, this means you must listen to man--not with the ears, but with the arms. We were required to shut our eyes and our mouths the majority of the time.
According to my instructor, this dance is all about the embrace. It's strong and sexy, but respectful. The woman must not allow the man to walk all over her, nor does the dance work if she leads.
Dance has so much to teach about relationships.
After all, you know the takes two to tango!