Monday, September 25, 2006

Shelters—update on lessons from the stye

Yes, the stye is gone. And I’m even following my own advice by making an intentional effort to spend time attending to what’s going on inside and do what makes me come alive.

I said “no” to teaching yoga and starting massage therapy classes in January. Though it saddens me not to be starting something new, I’m excited to embark on the adventures that await.

Last night our pastor taught from Luke 9:28-33. He built a blanket fort and compared it to the church. He asked, “Are we withdrawing, seeking shelter from the world, rather than seeking ways to redeem it?”

Interestingly, the same morning in my Beth Moore Breaking Free Bible study, she emphasized, “When opressed, the children of God have a tendency to prepare shelters for themselves rather than do what liberty demands. These shelters can easily turn into strongholds.”

I don't know if I explained the connection very well--but it made sense to me. It's funny how God will emphasize a point in several ways in one day--just to make sure we're paying attention.

I no longer want to shelter myself with busyness or pride in various accomplishments.
I want to use my uniqueness to make a big deal of God (see next post).


katie said...

Props, sister. You have heard the Father speak to you about slowing down and letting him do his thing in your heart, and you are responding with sweet obedience. How often does he call us into wonderful things, and all we do is wave around the invitation as a spiritual souvenir but never actually show up? What a waste! Much is in store for you- struggle, yes, but so much incredible beauty. Enter in with courage and know him with intimacy!

Tea with Tiffany said...

GLORY! Can't wait to see you shine even more!

Margaret Feinberg said...

cool lesson!