Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Today I’m thankful I have a healthy body, and that my most of my family and close friends do too. When I hear about friends of friends who are experiencing extreme health struggles (cancer, strokes, paralysis, etc…) I realize how often I take for granted my lack of maladies.
Though I’m tempted to complain about how a new prescription is affecting my body in odd ways, I realize how much worse it could be, and how much worse it is for many. Then I remember to pray for them and to do anything else I can to help. I also remember how much better it will be in heaven where there is no disease, no pain or suffering.
In the meantime, between here and heaven, I ask God to comfort the hurting, heal the sick, and bind up the brokenhearted.


Anonymous said...

to bind us up, over and over again!

abbs said...

Ditto chica! I feel that way especially after listening about how many innumerable ways our body can go wrong in my med school classes.

PS I'm suuure glad you're writing again!