Monday, October 24, 2005

Broken Cups

I’ve been enjoying the posts from Ragamuffin Diva. ( She says what I know to be true, but I haven’t been able to express so eloquently.

“We say we are filled with the Holy Spirit, but not FULL of the Holy Spirit. Do you think it means the same thing being filled and being full? It seems different, doesn't it. When I think of being filled, it seems like it's a process, but being full seems a little more final to me. I don't know about you, but I'll take either, however, if I had a choice in the matter, I think I'd rather be FULL of the Holy Spirit…I don't feel Full, and it's good to be honest about that…Maybe God doesn't really want us to be Full this side of Heaven. Maybe, it's best that we are being filled, so that we continue to abide in the Vine. So that we keep our empty tin cups that are our bodies before him. I don't know.”

Yes, we are cups. We can continually allow ourselves to be poured into, but we are broken vessels. We have little holes all over. We can be filled, but never be completely full.

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