Monday, October 24, 2005

Pay attention

Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone what he has done!…Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence.
–Psalm 105, The Message

If we have the same Holy Spirit as the apostles, why we don’t see or experience miracles like they did? Acts 2:43 says, “Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.” Maybe we just aren’t paying attention enough to notice how God is working today. Maybe we have lost our ability to drop our jaws in awe.

The trees outside my window glow with a bright red center, and turn orange radiating outward to the edges—like a fire, like a burning bush. I wonder if these trees look anything like the burning bush Moses saw. Are there “burning” bushes all around us and we don’t recognize or appreciate them?

Rabbi Kushner said, "The burning bush was not a miracle. It was a test. God wanted to find out whether or not Moses could pay attention to something for more than a few minutes. When Moses did, God spoke. The trick is to pay attention to what is going on around you long enough to behold the miracle without falling asleep. There is another world, right here within this one if we only pay attention."

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