Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feeling for Bones review

Bethany Pierce / Moody Publishers
Subject: Contemporary Fiction
p $12.99 ISBN: 9780802462886

When her dad loses his pastor job and the family relocates under his aunt’s mercy, 16-year-old Olivia watches her surroundings spin out of control. Money is scarce, dad stops attending church, mother becomes more controlling, they constantly argue, and she has to share a room with 6-year-old sister Callapher.
Olivia becomes obsessed with controlling her calorie consumption and pasting idyllic images on the bedroom wall. “Every page was another promise that life could become what it should, that I could be beautiful,” she says.
Near-tragedy and a death bring the family closer together, and Olivia slowly learns to accept love and care from her mother and her heavenly Father—who in the final pages becomes real to her and miraculously heals her disorder.
Recommend to young women and their mothers searching for a palatable tale of a teenager’s striving for beauty and struggle with anorexia.

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