Friday, February 16, 2007

Starbucks new promotion: designer t-shirts

To show customers how easy it is to customize their beverage of choice, Starbucks created a new campaign--letting fans choose drink elements incorporated into the design of the shirts, including drink size and flavors.

The cost and shipping are free. However, only a limited number of shirts are available each day.

Starbucks offers more than 5,000 drink combinations.

The campaign runs through Feb. 28 and is designed to ease the intimidation factor of ordering a beverage and get customers to try something new.

Fashion designer Mychael Knight has been tasked to create icons that will be placed on the T-shirts. includes a link to a list of popular drinks and celebrity favorites and details about Knight.


katie said...

Peppermint mocha, eh? Funny, I know someone who likes them just like that.

I'd get one that says, "Poor man's special" or "This is a giant cup of rip-off" I wonder if they'd print it....

Gail said...

ohhhh that is fun...