Wednesday, March 07, 2007

What I like to do on my lunch break

I'm thankful for 60-degree weather in March, a bike, the ability to ride it, a workplace with flexible hours, mud, showers in the workplace, a great biking buddy (who likes mud even more that me--see it in her teeth!) And what am I doing in this picture? Guess you had to be there.


katie said...

Mmmm...grit in the teeth. I was still tasting that a few hours after we got off the trail. Let's do it again!

I almost forgot to wipe my face off before going into Safeway later, just because I didn't expect that much to be on there. Good thing...I might have looked like some sort of swamp creature. The muddy butt in public was bad enough.

Olin said...

Sweet weather we've been having eh? I went for a little ride today too. I didn't get muddy though :( My wisdom for the day is: Clothes are cheaper than skin. Thankfully that was just intuitive knowledge from past lessons learned-not anything I had to relearn today. My windshirt makes very annoying flappy noises in the wind so I hiked it up like a short sleeve, but when I got to a gravel hill that wisdom beckoned and I had to stop to put my sleeves down.

Rachelle said...

Oh, I used to LOVE bike riding on my lunch hour (or jogging). Now that I work at home, I wonder why I don't do that anymore??

Oh, maybe because I'm doing laundry on my "lunch hour"?

Great post & pics!

Unknown said...

I'm jealous of the great Colorado weather but I'm glad you're there to enjoy it! I'm also glad to hear of a fellow Whitworthian (I don't know if that's what you'd call it). I've enjoyed reading your blog, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I'll be in Colorado in two weeks- maybe I'll run into you then.
Keep soakin' up the spring!