Monday, May 07, 2007

Morning Face Challenge

Rachelle at Seeking First His Kingdom has tagged me for the Morning Face Challenge.

Thank you Rachelle for encouraging me to get back into the blogosphere. It's been difficult because I feel like I don't have any spiritual or emotional makeup on. Not much pretty to say or offer.

It's funny because my friend Katie and I were just talking about how we each thought the other looked great right when she woke up. So I tag Katie. This may not be too difficult for her because she doesn't make a habit of covering her beautiful face with makeup.

It's been one of her New Year's resolutions to try wearing it more and mine to be OK with wearing it less.

I've already had my coffee and applied eye shadow and mascara today--so I'll take the Morning Face Challenge tomorrow. And I plan to go makeup-less throughout the day. However, I probably should brush my hair.

1 comment:

katie said...

Brushing hair is overrated. Just ask my dad.

Thanks for the tag. You're right that it's a wee bit easier for me. My morning face is the same as my afternoon and evening face, just a little groggier.

Ok, maybe a lot groggier. This could be good.